Tuesday 23 December 2008

Did You Ever Have a Dream

Quote Of The Day: “You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely.”

I saw this quote on a friend's Web page.

So, Do you dreams? I guess the answer is yes. I always dream of a successful life, something peaceful.

Cause I never know what is the meaning of peaceful. I feel really envy to those who knows what is the meaning of peaceful. I feel glad and happy for them.

Life has never been good for me since childhood, I never have the trust within my family or even friends.

To me, I always by myself. So, in dreams I can always have what I want. Ok,I know I might not be good in this but at least that's make me feel happy!

Isn't that what we suppose to be, be happy and do what we love to do?

Share with me your thoughts!